Saturday, August 07, 2010

Happy Anniversary YWAM

This year YWAMers all over the globe are celebrating our mission´s 50th anniversary! Our founders, Loren and Darlene Cunningham are traveling all around, visiting and celebrating alongside YWAMers world-wide. Next week the celebration will be held in Cartagena and hosted by the local YWAMers in Cartagena. This event will be held for our entire region, the northern cone of South America so we will welcome those coming from Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador and all of Colombia.
It will be a privilege to hear first-hand from Loren and Darlene, the ones who started it all! The story of how YWAM got started is an awesome, challenging, faith inspiring story. Loren shares the details in his book, IS THAT REALLY YOU, GOD? YWAMer or not, if you are interested in any kind of a personal relationship with God then you will LOVE this book!

Also speaking at this event are Wedge and Shirley Alman, the founders of YWAM in South America who spent a significant number of years pioneering the work of YWAM in Colombia.
Alejandro Rodriguez is another keynote speaker who is the director of YWAM Argentina.
The Cunninghams are in their 70´s, the Almans are in their 80´s and Alejandro, well, he has a way to go to catch up with them but the founding generations of our mission are passing the torch on to the younger generations. They have served as fine examples for us and I hope we can do them and the Lord justice with the future of YWAM around the world.

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