Wednesday, July 19, 2006 step

Yesterday Jorge and I had an appointment with our immigration consultant in San Diego. We all believe that we can rightfully argue our case because there is a law called Act 319 that covers our circumstances and supports our petition. Our next step is going to be to contact our local congressman and/or senator's office in AZ to request assistance in our case. The ideal situation would be able to get some type of intervention underway BEFORE the INS decision report comes in the mail. That could possibly do away with the need to appeal. If that doesn't happen then we will have to officially file an appeal which, believe it or not, will cost us $250 ! I can't believe it...just because the INS official was too impatient to listen to Jorge's story and consider Act 319, now we have to pay an additional $250 (the initial application costs $400!) to have our case re-tried by someone with more patience (hopefully!) Well, we believe that there is some reason and purpose that the Lord allowed this to happen so we trust that He will work out whatever He has in mind through all of this. We are planning to be in Yuma in a week and a half so we will try to get an appointment at the congressman's office to present our problem. In the meantime I think I'll email them to give them a "head's up" about the situation. Please pray that they will be eager to help us!

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